The nut family includes: almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, and a lot of others. These are all referred to as “tree nuts.”
Peanuts are not tree nuts: In fact, they aren’t nuts at all. Peanuts are legumes, which come from the same family as peas, beans, and soybeans. Because peanuts are a whole different species than tree nuts, some people are allergic to peanuts and not other, “real” nuts. Others are allergic to both. Because peanuts are so prevalent in the American diet, people with this allergy often have difficulty with prepared foods uncontaminated by peanuts.
Reactions to nut allergies can be severe: Nut allergy symptoms range from mild to very serious, and can include puffy or runny eyes or nose, sneezing, coughing, itching, hives, trouble breathing, and nausea. These are the most common reactions. There are many other symptoms. The worst one is anaphylaxis, which can be fatal without prompt medical treatment.
Importance of medical advice: If someone suspects that he or she or a family member have a nut allergy, it is imperative they see a doctor. They might suggest their patient carry an EpiPen as a course of action. This is only necessary in extreme cases, which are very rare, but can be the difference between life and death.
As we mentioned, Prime Planet cares deeply about the health of its consumers. So we thought we’d let you know that not only is careful attention paid to ensure no peanut oil is included in our product whatsoever, our all-natural Tostones are also made from fresh green plantains, and they’re cooked in vegetable oil.
In other words, the nutritional value found in Tostones is good nutrition. Just check out our label and you’ll see. You can also refer to our other, most recent blog posts to learn about how Tostones have no cholesterol, no trans fats, virtually no sodium – and are even low fat and vegan! Talk about heroic!
“Fried green plantains are a staple dish among many people of equatorial countries around the world, especially throughout the Caribbean and South and Central America where they played a significant role in our upbringings,” says Marie Gonzalez, Prime Planet’s Business Development Manager.
She adds, “As it turns out, back then, there were no peanuts or peanut oil involved in preparing plantain chips – just one-hundred percent deliciousness. This quality continues to be the case today with Prime Planet’s all natural Tostones.”
An innovative international food company based in Miami, Prime Planet is committed to bringing to market certified healthier for you products that are great tasting and nutritious. Its all-natural brand of Tostones offers not only the most delicious flavor, but are an all-around healthier snack option, too.
Knowledge, expertise, and direct access to leading global logistics and distributors of wholesale snacks and bulk-food products allow Prime Planet to find the shortest and most efficient commercial routes for ideal product shipment, product placement and freshness.
For more information, or to become a distributor, visit; or contact Business Development Manager Marie Gonzalez at 305-592-2044; or via email at