On March 8, we celebrate International Women’s Day by highlighting one woman in business who, since joining Prime Planet in 2019, continues to make significant contributions to the company’s success.
As Business Development Manager of Prime Planet Tostones, Marie was initially brought on due to her many years of experience and multiple contacts within the international food industry. As a result, the company has successfully bolstered a major expansion of its all-natural healthy green plantain chips – Tostones – into the nation’s highly competitive and growing salty snack-chip market.
It is fitting that we talk with Marie on International Women’s Day, as it is the annual worldwide event that serves as the anchor for Women’s History Month in March. This is the time of year countries all across the world take pause to recognize the accomplishments of women and to recognize their strengths in business, at home, and in every aspect of society.
And so today we recognize “the anchor” of Prime Planet’s snack food company by getting to know a little more about Marie Gonzalez:
- Briefly describe your role at Prime Planet.
Marie: As Business Development Manager, it is my role to manage, develop, and expand the market for our Salty Snack Brand. I am also responsible for organic prospecting, relationship building, product presentations, closing high-volume sales, and following up appropriately on accounts, as well as maintenance of current accounts to spearhead growth and cross-sell where applicable.
- Who was one mentor that helped you along your career path.
Marie: My former boss Veronica Ruiz taught me from the beginning that doing the things step-by-step and in the correct fashion – though it may take extra time and energy – is the best way to achieve success.
- Do you feel you are achieving your goals professionally?
Marie: Yes, I am achieving my short-term goals in my role, and I believe that with commitment to the product, and hard work and professionalism in the workplace, women can and will succeed.
- What advice would you give your 20-year-old self, professionally?
Marie: Patience and perseverance are the key.
- Of all the Tostones flavors – Original, BBQ, Lime, Habanero, or Sweet Chili – what’s your favorite?
Marie: I truly love them all, but if I have to choose, my hands down favorite is Sweet Chili.
Climate of Inclusion
As one of four companies under the Prime Group corporate umbrella, Prime Planet believes that diverse employee teams are the company’s best resource for reimagining new strategies and employing creative, unique, and successful approaches in the marketplace. These are critical skills that all businesses need in good times and during challenging times.
The overarching goal of Prime Planet, along with sister companies Prime Fresh Handling, PrimeAir, and Prime Logistics, is to create a climate of inclusion, a pathway to career fulfillment, equal opportunities for all, and the absolute best-employee team possible to assist its entire base of clientele.
A diverse workforce adds one “secret ingredient” for employers as well. It tends to foster a culture of empathy for others, which directly impacts any company’s ability to best serve all its customers. Plus, it’s a positive factor that can lead to greater business success. This is why Prime Planet champions the progress of women in business and pledges to keep moving the needle forward for diversity in 2023 and beyond.
About Women’s Day
For more than 100 years, International Women’s Day has been celebrated annually round the world on the 8th of March. A public holiday in many countries, it is a focal point in the movement for women’s rights that started back to 1910, when the day was first observed across America and Europe. Later, in 1946, feminists in Italy chose the mimosa flower as a symbol of strength, sensibility, and sensitivity for Women’s Day, which remains the predominant symbol today
About Prime Planet
An innovative international food company based in Miami, Prime Planet is committed to bringing to market a line of crunchy Tostones snack chips that are truly all-natural, gluten-free, non GMO, and even kosher-certified. Tostones not only come in the most delicious flavors (BBQ, lime, sweet chili, habanero, and original), but are an all-around healthier snack option, too.
Knowledge, expertise, and direct access to leading global logistics and distributors of wholesale snacks and bulk-food products allow Prime Planet to find the shortest and most efficient commercial routes for ideal product shipment and product placement.
Become a Green Plantain Snack Distributor
For more information, or to become a distributor, visit www.primeplanet.net; or contact Business Development Manager Marie Gonzalez at 305-592-2044; or via email at bdm@primefreshproducts.com.